Deploy a Container Web App on Amazon Lightsail



Follow step-by-step instructions to build and deploy a container-based web application using Amazon Lightsail


In this tutorial, we will take you through deploying your existing containerized web applications on Amazon Lightsail.

Lightsail is an easy-to-use virtual private server (VPS) provider that offers you everything you need to build an application or website, on a cost-effective, monthly plan. 

What you will accomplish

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Build your container and test the application locally
  • Create a container service on Amazon Lightsail
  • Deploy your container on Amazon Lightsail and test it
  • Push a new version of your application


Before starting this tutorial, you will need:

 AWS experience


 Minimum time to complete

30–40 minutes

 Cost to complete

Free Tier eligible


  • AWS account with administrator-level access*
  • Recommended browser: The latest version of Chrome or Firefox

*Accounts created within the past 24 hours might not yet have access to the services required for this tutorial.

 Last updated

March 18, 2024


This tutorial is divided into the following short modules. You must complete each module before moving to the next one.

  1. Prepare your container (10 minutes): Building and testing your app locally.
  2. Create a container service on Amazon Lightsail (10 minutes): Create the infrastructure to host your containers.
  3. Deploy your container on Amazon Lightsail (10 minutes): Upload and deploy your container.
  4. Deploy a new version of your application (10 minutes): Prepare and deploy a new version of your application.
  5. Clean up: In this last part of the tutorial, you learn how to clean up resources after you are done.

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Prepare Container