Pricing overview

AWS Security Incident Response helps you respond when it matters most. This service offers automated monitoring and investigation of security findings to free up your resources from routine tasks, communication and collaboration features to streamline response coordination, and direct 24/7 access to the AWS Customer Incident Response Team (CIRT).

Pricing is based on your monthly AWS spend across enrolled accounts, with a $7,000 monthly minimum. As your AWS spend increases, you pay a percentage that varies by tier. Higher rates only apply to the portion of spend within each new tier.

Tier 1: A minimum monthly fee of $7,000 for the first $0 to $125,000 monthly AWS spend

Tier 2: The sum of the previous tier plus 5.0% of the spend from the next $125,000 to $250,000

Tier 3: The sum of the previous tier plus 3.5% of the spend from the next $250,000 to $500,000

Tier 4: The sum of the previous tier plus 1.5% of the spend from the next $500,000 to $1,000,000

Tier 5: The sum of the previous tier plus 0.5% of the spend above $1,000,000

You can cancel your service membership at any time. If you do, your membership will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle, which coincides with the end of the month. Once your membership is fully cancelled at month’s end, all active investigations, cases, and other resources will be closed.

Pricing details

Tiers Monthly AWS spend Monthly service price
Tier 1 First $0 – $125,000 $7,000
Tier 2 Next $125,000 – $250,000 5.0% of AWS spend
Tier 3 Next $250,000 – $500,000 3.5% of AWS spend
Tier 4 Next $500,000 – $1,000,000 1.5% of AWS spend
Tier 5 Over $1,000,000 0.5% of AWS spend

Pricing examples

Your total AWS spend of $100,000 falls entirely within Tier 1. Your monthly charge is $7,000.

Security Incident Response pricing would be calculated as follows:

First, the $7,000 minimum fee is applied to the initial $125,000 in Tier 1 spend.

Then, an additional 5.0% charge is applied to the remaining $75,000 in Tier 2 spend: $75,000 * 5.0% = $3,750.

The total monthly charge for Security Incident Response would be $7,000 + $3,750 = $10,750.

Security Incident Response pricing would be calculated as follows:

First, the $7,000 minimum fee is applied to the initial $125,000 in Tier 1 spend.

Next, an additional 5.0% charge is applied to the $125,000 in Tier 2 spend: $125,000 * 5.0% = $6,250.

Then, an additional 3.5% charge is applied to the $250,000 in Tier 3 spend: $250,000 * 3.5% = $8,750.

Finally, an additional 1.5% charge is applied to the remaining $300,000 in Tier 4 spend: $300,000 * 1.5% = $4,500.

The total monthly charge for Security Incident Response would be $7,000 + $6,250 + $8,750 + $4,500 = $26,500.

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