Reader Capacity pricing

Capacity pricing allows Amazon QuickSight customers to purchase Reader sessions or Amazon Q question capacity in bulk, without having to provision individual users in QuickSight. Capacity pricing is ideal for embedded applications or large-scale BI deployments.

Reader Capacity pricing

Plan type
Number of sessions
Additional sessions
500 per month $250 per month $0.50
50,000 per year $20,000 per year $0.40
Annual 200,000 per year $57,600 per year $0.28
Annual 400,000 per year $96,000 per year $0.24
Annual 800,000 per year $162,000 per year $0.20
Annual 1,600,000 per year $258,000per year $0.16
Annual 3,000,000+ per year Contact us 

Amazon Q questions Capacity pricing

Plan  Type
Number of questions Price
additional questions
500/month $250/month $0.50
60,000/year $18,000/year $0.30
600,000/year $120,000/year $0.20
Contact us

* Capacity pricing is required for programmatic refresh of dashboards for near real-time data rendering. 
* Annual commitments to Capacity pricing add an option to remove “Powered by QuickSight” branding.
* A session is a 30-minute period.
* $250/month per account Amazon Q enablement fee applies for accounts with at least one Pro user or one Amazon Q topic.
* For custom pricing options available for larger use cases, contact us.