Deploy a Container Web App on Amazon EKS
Follow step-by-step instructions to build and deploy a container-based web application using Amazon EKS
In this guide, we will take you through creating your Kubernetes (k8s) cluster and deploying an application. This guide shows how you can create a Kubernetes cluster with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Amazon EC2 worker nodes . Throughout this guide, you will also learn how to use AWS CDK and AWS CDK8S to help you streamline the process, from creating cluster to deploying and operating your applications.
What You Will Learn
In this guide, you will learn how to:
- Create a Kubernetes cluster with a single tenant control plane using Amazon EKS and launch managed Amazon EC2 worker nodes.
- Implement Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) for a Kubernetes cluster using AWS CDK.
- Integrate AWS CDK8S and AWS CDK to deploy the application.
- Operate the cluster with basic commands using kubectl.
Before Starting this guide, you will need:
- An AWS account: if you don't already have one follow the Setup Your Environment getting started guide for a quick overview.
- CDK Installed: Visit our Setup AWS CDK getting started guide to learn more.
AWS Experience
Time to Complete
30 - 40 minutes
Cost to Complete
Less than $0.10 USD if completed in under an hour.
- AWS Account with administrator-level access**
- Recommended browser: The latest version of Chrome or Firefox
[**]Accounts created within the past 24 hours might not yet have access to the services required for this tutorial.
Last Modifed
This tutorial is divided into the following short modules. You must complete each module before moving to the next one.
- Create a Cluster (10 mins): Using AWS CDK to create a Kubernetes cluster with Amazon EKS as the control plane and launch managed Amazon EC2 worker nodes.
- Installing the AWS CDK8S CLI (5 mins)
- Creating service and deployment (5 mins): Launch your application using AWS CDK and AWS CDK8S.
- Deploy infrastructure with CDK (10 mins): Learn how to launch your infrastructure using CDK and deploy your application.
- Clean Up Resources: In this last part of the guide you learn how to clean after you are done.