What Amazon DevOps Guru pricing?

Amazon DevOps Guru is a service powered by machine learning (ML) that gives you a simpler way to measure and improve an application’s operational performance and availability and reduce expensive downtime—no machine learning expertise required.

With DevOps Guru, you only pay for what you use. There is no up-front commitment or minimum fee. After you enable DevOps Guru and specify the applications you want to monitor, DevOps Guru starts analyzing the operational data for the resources that these applications use. There are two components that determine your bill: charges for AWS resource analysis, and DevOps Guru API calls charges. You are charged at the end of the month for your usage, in line with pricing below.

Easily calculate your estimated monthly costs with Amazon DevOps Guru Cost Estimator.

Pricing tables

  • AWS resource analysis
  • DevOps Guru analyzes different AWS resource types (for example, an Amazon Simple Storage Service [Amazon S3] bucket or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [Amazon EC2] instance), which are categorized into two pricing groups. You pay for the number of AWS resource hours analyzed, for each active resource. A resource is only active if it produces metrics, events, or log entries within an hour. The rate you’re charged for a specific AWS resource type depends on the price group: A or B.

    Resource Price Group A $0.0028 per Resource per Hour
    AWS Service : Resource  
    Lambda : Function  
    S3 : Bucket**  
    Resource Price Group B $0.0042 per Resource per Hour
    AWS Service : Resource AWS Service : Resource
    API Gateway : API Path/Route Kinesis : Stream
    Application ELB : LoadBalancer NATGateway (VPC ) : NatGateway
    CloudFront : Distribution Network ELB : LoadBalancer
    DynamoDB Streams : Stream RDS : DBInstance
    DynamoDB : Table Redshift : Cluster, Node
    EC2(ASG):Instance* Route 53 : HostedZone
    ECS : Service** SageMaker : InvocationEndpoint
    EKS : Service** SNS : Topic
    Elastic Beanstalk : Environment SQS : Queue
    ElastiCache : Node Step Functions : Activity, StateMachine
    OpenSearch Service : Node SWF : Workflow, Task
    ELB : LoadBalancer  

    *DevOps Guru will charge per EC2 instance in an ASG, with a maximum charge for 100 EC2 instances in each ASG. 

    **To generate metrics for DevOps Guru to analyze all Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and some Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) metrics, you will need to enable container insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes. To generate metrics for DevOps Guru to analyze Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) metrics, you will need to enable request metrics on your S3 buckets. Doing this might incur Amazon CloudWatch charges or Amazon S3 charges (for any data logged and stored by Amazon S3). For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

    Pricing is for US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and South America (São Paulo) regions.

    Note: AWS may expand its supported resource types in the future and the pricing page will be updated to reflect those changes. You consent to being charged for all AWS resource analysis, including future supported resource types, within the coverage boundaries you choose. 

  • DevOps Guru API calls
  • In addition to AWS resource analysis charges, you also pay for the number of DevOps Guru API calls (e.g. DescribeAccountOverview, ListInsights) you make.
    DevOps Guru API   $0.000040 per API Call ($0.40 for 10K API Calls)

Other Charges

If you configure Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to receive notifications about DevOps Guru events, you will incur additional charges per standard Amazon SNS pricing. Similarly, if you configure to receive an OpsItem for DevOps Guru insights, you incur additional charges per standard AWS Systems Manager pricing

Free Tier

AWS Free Tier includes DevOps Guru analysis of 7,200 AWS resource hours each for resource group A and B and usage of 10,000 DevOps Guru API calls per month for 3 months.

DevOps Guru Pricing examples

  • An IT operator is trying out DevOps Guru for the first time, and configures DevOps Guru to monitor all resources in a single AWS account. For simplicity, let’s assume the account has 20 Amazon EC2 instances in an ASG and five Amazon S3 buckets that are active throughout the day. Let’s say, the operator also makes 15,000 DevOps Guru API Calls. The first bill at the end of a 30 day month, would be calculated as follows:

    Monthly resource analysis charges
    You would use 600 AWS resource hours on a daily basis: 480 hours for the 20 EC2 instances under Group B, and 120 hours for five S3 buckets under Group A. By the end of the 15th day, you would use up the 7,200 hours for AWS Group B, for which you won’t incur any charges as part of the free tier. For the remaining 15 days of the month, you would incur resource analysis charges for Group B as detailed in the table below. Since you only use 3,600 hours of your 7,200 free tier hours for Group A for the entire month, you will incur no charges for your 5 S3 buckets.

    AWS service Resources analyzed by DevOps Guru Price
    S3 5 buckets $0 (covered by free tier)
    EC2 20 instances as part of ASG $0.0042/hour
      Total Charges: $30.24

    Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

    You wont incur any charges for 10,000 API calls as part of the free tier, and would incur charges for the remaining 5,000 API calls at $0.000040 per API Call = $0.20

    Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

    For the month, your bill will be $30.44, a total that includes $30.24 for resource analysis, $0.20 for DevOps Guru API calls, and complete use of the free tier. 



  • Assume you have used up the free tier and decided to use DevOps Guru for your production workloads. Consider you enabled DevOps Guru to monitor your new web application in the US East (Ohio) Region. You can see in the DevOps Guru console dashboard that DevOps Guru is analyzing 15 Amazon S3 buckets, 50 Amazon EC2 instances, 15 Amazon DynamoDB tables, two Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances, and three network load balancers for your web application.

    Because this is a new web application, you can't predict the traffic patterns. For simplicity, assume that these resources are active for only 15 days (360 hours) in the month. Also, let’s say your team of 10 operators makes 1,000 DevOps Guru API calls a day for 15 days to view DevOps Guru insights and action on recommendations.

    Your DevOps Guru monthly bill would be calculated as follows:

    AWS service Resources analyzed by DevOps Guru Price Number of billable AWS resource hours Monthly charges
    S3 15 buckets $0.0028/hour 15 * 360 = 5,400 hours $15.12
    EC2 50 instances $0.0042/hour 50 * 360 = 18,000 hours $75.60
    DynamoDB 15 tables $0.0042/hour 15 * 360 = 5,400 hours $22.68
    RDS 2 DB instances $0.0042/hour 2 * 360 = 720 hours $3.02
    NetworkELB 3 load balancers $0.0042/hour 3 * 360 = 1,080 hours  $4.53
          Total Charges: $120.96

    Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

    For a total of 15,000 DevOps Guru API calls at the rate of $0.000040 per API call, you will incur charges of 15,000* $0.00004 = $0.60.

    Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

    For the month, your bill will be $121.56, a total that includes $120.96 for resource analysis, and $0.60 for DevOps Guru API calls.

  • Building on Example 2, after the first month, your application gains attention on social media and the application traffic spikes during peak hours. You now add a single AWS Auto Scaling group, and Amazon EC2 scales to meet your increased demand needs. DevOps Guru would automatically monitor these additional resources as they are part of the resource coverage boundary that you specified for analysis.

    Your application uses 50 EC2 instances that are active for the full 30 days (720 hours), and an additional 101 EC2 instances. Also, all of your other resources are active for the full 30 days (720 hours). Additionally, your team of 10 operators make 5,000 DevOps Guru API calls a day for 30 days.

    Your DevOps Guru monthly bill would be calculated as follows:

    AWS service
    Resources analyzed by
    DevOps Guru
    Price Number of metered AWS
    resource hours for 30 days
    Monthly charges
    S3 15 buckets $0.0028/hour 15 * 720 = 10,800 hours $30.24
    EC2 101 instances (in a single ASG) for 8 hours in a day. Note that DevOps Guru does not charge for more than 100 instances in a single ASG. $0.0042/hour 100 * 240 + 50 * 720 = 60,000 hours $252.00
      50 instances (in a single ASG) for the entire day      
    DynamoDB 15 tables $0.0042/hour 15 * 720 =10,800 hours $45.36
    RDS 2 DB instances $0.0042/hour 2 * 720 = 1,440 hours $6.04
    NetworkELB 3 load balancers $0.0042/hour 2 * 720 = 2,160 hours $9.07
          Total Charges: $342.72

    Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

    For a total of 150,000 DevOps Guru API calls at the rate of $0.000040 per API call, you will incur charges of 150,000* $0.00004 = $6.00.

    Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

    For the month, your bill will be $348.72, a total that includes $342.72 for resource analysis, and $6.00 for DevOps Guru API calls.

  • In this example, you have exhausted your free tier and have enabled Amazon DevOps Guru to only analyze specific resource types that relate to a critical application by using tags to identify those resource types. Using tags, you have grouped together one S3 bucket, five DynamoDB tables, and two RDS DB instances.

    These resources are all active for the full 30 days (720 hours) and your team of five operators make 500 DevOps Guru API calls a day for 30 days.

    Your DevOps Guru monthly bill would be calculated as follows:

    AWS service
    Resources analyzed by
    DevOps Guru
    Price Number of metered AWS
    resource hours for 30 days
    Monthly charges
    S3 1 bucket $0.0028/hour 1 * 720 = 720 hours $2.02
    DynamoDB 5 tables $0.0042/hour 5 * 720 =3,600 hours $15.12
    RDS 2 DB instances $0.0042/hour 2 * 720 = 1,440 hours $6.05
          Total Charges:  $23.19 

    Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

    For a total of 15,000 DevOps Guru API calls (500*30) at the rate of $0.000040 per API call, you will incur charges of 15,000* $0.00004 = $.60.

    Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

    For the month, your bill will be $23.79, a total that includes $23.19 for resource analysis, and $0.60 for DevOps Guru API calls.

Pricing example 1

An IT operator is trying out DevOps Guru for the first time, and configures DevOps Guru to monitor all resources in a single AWS account. For simplicity, assume the account has 10 EC2 instances and five S3 buckets that are active thoroughout the day. Let’s say, the operator also makes 15,000 DevOps Guru API Calls. The first bill at the end of a 30 day month, would be calculated as follows:

Monthly resource analysis charges
You would use 360 AWS resource hours on a daily basis (240 hours for 10 EC2 instances, and 120 hours for five S3 buckets). By the end of the 20th day, you would use 7200 AWS resource hours, for which you wont incur any charges as part of the free tier. For the remaining 10 days of the month, you would incur resource analysis charges as detailed in the table below.

AWS service  Resources analyzed by DevOps Guru Price
S3 5 buckets $0.0028/hour
EC2 10 instances $0.0042/hour
  Total Charges:  $13.44

Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

You wont incur any charges for 10,000 API calls as part of the free tier, and would incur charges for the remaining 5,000 API calls at $0.000040 per API Call = $0.20

Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

For the month, your bill will be $13.64, a total that includes $13.44 for resource analysis, $0.20 for DevOps Guru API calls, and complete use of the free tier.

Pricing example 2

Assume you have used up the free tier and decided to use DevOps Guru for your production workloads. Consider you enabled DevOps Guru to monitor your new web application in the US East (Ohio) Region. You can see in the DevOps Guru console dashboard that DevOps Guru is analyzing 15 S3 buckets, 50 EC2 instances, 15 DynamoDB tables, two RDS instances, and three network load balancers for your web application.

Because this is a new web application, you can't predict the traffic patterns. For simplicity, assume that these resources are active for only 15 days (360 hours) in the month. Also, let’s say your team of 10 operators makes 1,000 DevOps Guru API calls a day for 15 days to view DevOps Guru insights and action on recommendations.

Your DevOps Guru monthly bill would be calculated as follows:


AWS service Resources analyzed by DevOps Guru Price Number of billable AWS resource hours Monthly charges
S3 15 buckets $0.0028/hour 15 * 360 = 5,400 hours $15.12
EC2 50 instances $0.0042/hour 50 * 360 = 18,000 hours $75.60
DynamoDB 15 tables $0.0042/hour 15 * 360 = 5,400 hours $22.68
RDS 2 DB instances $0.0042/hour 2 * 360 = 720 hours $3.02
NetworkELB 3 load balancers $0.0042/hour 3 * 360 = 1,080 hours  $4.53
      Total Charges: $120.96

Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

For a total of 15,000 DevOps Guru API calls at the rate of $0.000040 per API call, you will incur charges of 15,000* $0.00004 = $0.60.

Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

For the month, your bill will be $121.56, a total that includes $120.96 for resource analysis, and $0.60 for DevOps Guru API calls.

Pricing example 3

Building on Example 2, after the first month, your application gains attention on social media and the application traffic spikes during peak hours. You now add a single AWS Auto Scaling group, and Amazon EC2 scales to meet your increased demand needs. DevOps Guru would automatically monitor these additional resources as they are part of the resource coverage boundary that you specified for analysis.

Your application uses 50 EC2 instances that are active for the full 30 days (720 hours), and an additional 100 EC2 instances that are active 8 hours a day for 30 days (240 hours). Also, all of your other resources are active for the full 30 days (720 hours). Additionally, your team of 10 operators make 5,000 DevOps Guru API calls a day for 30 days.

Your DevOps Guru monthly bill would be calculated as follows:


AWS service
Resources analyzed by
DevOps Guru
Price Number of metered AWS
resource hours for 30 days
Monthly charges
S3 15 buckets $0.0028/hour 15 * 720 = 10,800 hours $30.24
EC2 100 instances for 8 hours in a day $0.0042/hour 110 * 240 + 50 * 720 =60,000 hours $252.00
  50 instances for the entire day      
DynamoDB 15 tables $0.0042/hour 15 * 720 =10,800 hours $45.36
RDS 2 DB instances $0.0042/hour 2 * 720 = 1,440 hours $6.04
NetworkELB 3 load balancers $0.0042/hour 2 * 720 = 2,160 hours $9.07
Auto Scaling Group 1 group $0.0042/hour 1 * 720 = 720 hours $3.02
      Total Charges: $342.72

Monthly DevOps Guru API calls charges

For a total of 150,000 DevOps Guru API calls at the rate of $0.000040 per API call, you will incur charges of 150,000* $0.00004 = $6.00.

Monthly DevOps Guru Bill

For the month, your bill will be $348.72, a total that includes $342.72.96 for resource analysis, and $6.00 for DevOps Guru API calls.


Additional pricing resources

DevOps Guru Cost Estimator

Easily calculate your monthly costs with Amazon DevOps Guru Cost Estimator

Economics Resource Center

Additional resources for switching to AWS