Energy Data Insights on AWS - OSDU® Data Platform

Untap the potential of your upstream energy data to discover new insights that will transform your exploration business with the OSDU® Data Platform.

Oil and gas companies are facing a perfect storm of challenges: transitioning to cleaner energy sources, volatile oil prices, new regulations and sustainability requirements, and growing geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainty. And through it all, they face ever-increasing demand to find, produce and refine safe, reliable and affordable energy for as many people as possible.   

Tackling these challenges takes innovation and collaboration on a global scale, and the best way to do that is in the cloud, with a common standard, using the OSDU Data Platform on AWS.

Breakthrough Technologies, Breakthrough Insights

With high-performance computing, generative AI access and more backed by AWS’ security, low cost, and commitment to customer obsession, geoscientists can now uncover previously invisible subsurface insights and reduce risk within their exploration business. These innovative technologies are already enhancing geological modeling, enabling even more accurate exploration decisions. Studies conducted by international analyst firm 451 Research found that moving on-premises workloads to AWS can lower the workload carbon footprint by at least 80% and up to 96% once AWS is powered with 100% renewable energy, a target it is on path to meet by 2025. AWS’s infrastructure is 3.6 times more energy efficient than the median of surveyed U.S. enterprise data centers and up to 5 times more energy efficient than the average in the E.U.

Energy Data Insights on AWS empowers collaboration and accelerates innovation with an expansive partner network that uses the OSDU Data Platform to reinvent the energy industry.

Discover the future of upstream: Learn more about our current and future offerings

Energy Data Insights on AWS (EDI) is an AWS supported, cloud-based offering of the OSDU Data Platform on AWS.  EDI is empowering the oil and gas industry by providing smart data ingestion, integration of applications including SLB products to streamline and enhance technical business workflows.

Current offerings:

AWS Energy Data insights on AWS - An AWS-supported OSDU Data Platform helping customers manage the deployment, monitoring, management, scale, security, support, updates, and upgrades of the service so that the customers can focus on the value from the platform. EDI is enhanced by AWS Support Engineering for optimal performance. Customers can improve their EDI data insight and ingestion with offerings from Sellers on AWS Marketplace. These offerings can help provide automated data mapping from source to OSDU through Generative AI and Automation, as well as better recognize your legacy non-OSDU data formats, convert them to data types supported by the OSDU data model, auto-generate the manifest and ingest to OSDU.

  • Enterprise Support – Integrate with your support model to have AWS facilitate support requests related to the OSDU Data Platform.  

Express for EDI – an AWS Partner-led offering for EDI. Currently, there are two options: PaaS or SaaS available on AWS Marketplace. Explore Now.

Reinventing Energy—Energy Data Insights on AWS with the OSDU Data Platform


savings per year

50 - 100x

efficiency gains


faster data search workflow


performance improvement

  • Seamless collaboration across JVs and investors
  • Seamless integration with ML and NLP engines to support AI and generative AI

But that’s just the beginning. Running the OSDU Data Platform on AWS helps our customers reinvent energy on a global scale.

Innovation and insights across the entire value chain

Across exploration, drilling, and downstream, AWS gives your geoscientists and data engineers real-time insights and data visualizations that improve decision-making, drive operational efficiency, reduce risks and foster innovation.

Data quality, insights and results

AWS’ data management tools deliver the highest data quality and trusted insights to inform your decisions. Those insights, combined with the speed of the OSDU Data Platform on AWS, results in faster and higher-impact collaboration across all your teams.

Mission-critical groundwork for generative AI

Unless you map your data to the right schemas and standards, your generative AI tools won’t be able to use it, and you’ll end up with a fragmented and distorted view of what’s happening. By working with AWS, you can better avoid major setbacks, costs and complexities in your generative AI initiatives.

A single version of the truth

Break down data silos and workflows and deliver a single version of the truth to your entire ecosystem of innovators, whether your data is all in the cloud, on-prem, or hybrid.

De-risk and accelerate your OSDU Data Platform journey

Leverage AWS’ global insights and expertise to de-risk and accelerate your upstream energy business, accelerate time to value, and establish a platform for global collaboration and innovation for years to come.

The AWS Difference

Smart Data Ingestion +

Avoid lengthy delays and ingest subsurface data in weeks, not years, with AWS’ smart data ingestion tooling.

OSDU Standard - Unaware Application Integration

Connect to OSDU-unaware applications and avoid limiting the number of innovative application providers you can work with.

OSDU In-Country Solutions

Achieve regional compliance and flexibility by running on an in-country data center, and achieve in-country deployment in days, not months.

Developer SDKs

Accelerate the development and integration of new capabilities into OSDU with our developer SDKs.

AWS Nitro: 100% Confidential Computing

AWS Nitro provides enhanced security that gives customers and their partners complete confidence in the privacy and security of their data in the OSDU.

Expertise, Experience and Guidance

Leverage our deep expertise with OSDU, “Tailored” Lightening-enabled professional services, and global experience with massive data deployments to de-risk your OSDU deployment and accelerate your time to value.

Use Cases

Energy Data Insights on AWS for the OSDU Data Platform gives you the tools to liberate your data and accelerate your workflow. With fine-tuned control over business processes, you’ll reduce silos and gain access to data—creating opportunities for new field discoveries and automation of subsurface workloads.

OSDU Data Platform - Exploration


Increase efficiency of exploration with an on-demand high performance computing platform, common data repository, and collaborative geological and geophysical workflows.

OSDU Data Platform - Exploration


Improve workflow and lower operational costs. Quickly run and test simulations and use collaborative workspaces for reservoir engineering to develop plans for increased recovery.

OSDU Data Platform - Exploration

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)

Use the platform and ISVs to understand which reservoirs are targets for CCUS. Develop plans for energy transition and decarbonization.

EDI enablement sessions

Every quarter our EDI solution architects along with select partners will be hosting virtual enablement sessions to share the latest news and updates and help customers maximize the value of the solution.

February 2024
June 2024

See our AWS Partners in action

Our energy partners are driving innovation with the OSDU Data Platform on AWS. Learn how these partners worked together to overcome common challenges in accessing and processing subsurface data.

Halliburton Landmark uses AWS Cloud Technology to create powerful industry solutions

Watch now »


OSDU Energy Data Platform on AWS R3 Kick Off

See how our AWS Partners are driving innovations in the energy sector by putting their solutions to work with AWS.

*OSDU is a trademark of The Open Group.

Get started

Our managed services team is here to help. From deployment, integration, analytics, updates, troubleshooting, and more—we can show you how to start seeing real business impact right away with the AWS implementation of the OSDU Data Platform.
Energy Transition